CRank: 5Score: 27710

wouldnt the wii explode though?

5602d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yea Halo 3's campaign was great, very solid. I cant wait for this expansion, Bungie usually doesnt disappoint.

5603d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

God of War 2 looked pretty good, but id say that either Halo 2, Doom 3, or Black looked the best last gen.

5603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 has the same metacritic score as COD4, Halo 3 sold more copies on the 360, and right now, halo 3 is the number 1 most played game on Xbox Live, while Cod4 is number 3.


5605d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

oh no! not bright colors! jesus christ, every single FPS released just has to be filled with the same blacks, grays, and browns and, and, and, gritty darkness and, that makes a game better of course!! Its so original and different to fill a game full of darkness and bland colors, if not the game is a child's game and sucks.

Come back in a few years when your brain has matured, troll. Bright colors doesnt mean its a child's game. Nothing wrong with Killzone 2's boring color palet...

5605d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this game will be stupid

This is supposed to be a single player RPG called Knights of the Old Republic 3, but instead EA decides they'd make more money by making an MMO out of the series. Greeeaaaaaat, how wonderful...

5606d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

you see, the problem with Sackboy is that, even thought he has many, many maps to hop around in, he only hops, he flips switches, and maybe he feels pretty good about himself.

Mr Nukem on the other hand gets all the strippers, has big guns, fights space pigs bent on stealing earth's babes, and rips enemies a new one when he's all outta gum.

I think i know which one sounds more interesting.

5613d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i mean, what else would you have come out? More Third person action shooters like RE5, Uncharted or Red Faction Guerrilla? More fighters like SF4? More RTS's like Halo Wars, Red ALert 3 and End War? More flight sims like HAWX? More RPGs like Star Ocean 4, Infamous, or Mass Effect 2?

I mean if its not an FPS, what do you want?

5619d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you sir are wrong. Halo 2 destroyed Black in every way. Black looked pretty, but it was stupid. Almost every enemy had explosive barrels around them so you could shoot, and it was too easy and after fifty thousand explosions it was wearing really thin. Black was nothing but dumb fun for one playthrough, while Halo 2 revolutionized console shooters with its new online matchmaking and well-rounded value.

You dont believe me? COD4 and Gears 2 both took the online matchmaking that Bu...

5619d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

many forget that Final Fantasy originated on Nintendo, yet fanboyism seems to suggest it is a full Sony title and that Microsoft wrongly stole the rights to have the game on the 360.


5620d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

no oscar de la hoya?

oh well, this game looks like it will be superb.

5621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo Wars is a masterpiece in the sense that it almost perfectly simplified the RTS genre in the same way that Halo simplified the FPS. And there is nothing wrong at all with simple, raw fun.

Halo Wars did what it set out to do:

Make an RTS game work great with a console controller, expanded the Halo universe greatly as promised, and it redifined console RTS's with its simplified yet fleshed out amazing gameplay.

5628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There was a demo on Xbox Live weeks before the game came out and was downloaded by millions.

The commercials only showed cinematics because every single halo commercial ever released has only ever shown cinematics. Halo 1, 2, and even 3 all did it, why not Halo Wars?

There is a back of the box you know, where it explains stuff when you pick the game up to buy it?

There were also many reviews on the internet stating its an RTS.

So, on...

5631d ago 18 agree15 disagreeView comment

i am very glad that Microsoft purchases exlusives and downloadable content. You bash them for it, but why? because you dont get it.

You see, because Microsoft purchases exclusive content and games, i get to play it, and you dont. Because of this, i can play Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, and Broken Steel for Fallout 3, and you cant. If Microsoft had not bought those expansions for 360 only, and the expansions came to both PS3 and 360, id still being paying 800 MS points for the...

5635d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Someone apparently spit in your face instead and stuck a metal rod up your ass judging by how bitter and how much you actually care about the 360 owners 2009-2010 lineup.

Were happy. Tonight after i get off work, im gonna go home and play some Halo 3 with all my regular buddies. The Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack is amazing, you gotta try it. Or maybe i'll play some Halo Wars if im feeling up to something that require more patience and thought. Or i could download the Pitt and give Fal...

5636d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gears 1 multiplayer was absolutely amazing. I played it for 2 years and its safe to say im a great player. When it comes to the first Gears, i know my stuff.

But Gears 2 multiplayer is so bad that is, indeed, gay.

Horrible changes, horrible matchmaking, horrible lag even if your in North America, and many more horrible things that need to be added or taken out.

P.S. It is good to see that this article constantly refers and compares other games to H...

5636d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PC may have been the first to have online play, but it doesnt matter. PC people are the anti-social loners. They have to play games while their friends sit back and watch, bored out of their mind until its their turn. I know. Everytime i go to my buddies house i have to watch him play Crysis, or that Crisis Core game that just came out. Sure, i get my turn, but that cant compare to four players on a 360 at once playing co-op or something. Many PC people like to sit in the dark by themselves c...

5636d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why do you think the Halo names sells so well? Why do you think Halo 3 is currently the number one played 360 game on Xbox Live 2 years after release, beating COD4, Gears 2, and COD: WaW? Why do people keep coming back to the Halo name for more? Ya, people recognize and crave the Halo brand, but its because Halo provides quality. If Halo sucked really bad, word would get around and people would either quit playing it on Xbox Live or the sales would not be nearly as high as they are now. Peopl...

5637d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

im glad you made fun of my typo because it shows you have nothing else that is intelligent to say. Goodbye, fanboy.

5639d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

if you actually took the time to continue reading, not only did i mention Halo 3 had more sales, but i also mentioned it had better review scores, and the game is number one on Xbox Live 2 years after release.

Love how people like you take bits and pieces of quotes so you can twist them into what you want. lol.

Sorry bout that pal.

5639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment